Sunday, 6 January 2008

a world without cookies......?

where would i be without my cookies? hell, i use them all the damn time, i nibble at their virtual-ness and pick out the best html for myself. when ive finished with them i leave the crumbs of javascript there on the plate for the cat to sniff at and reject.
god bless internet explorer and all the free `do you want` pages it sends me. i too use them all the time. i have had 74 penis enlargements and gambled my whole life away on party poker. when im not doing the aforementioned i like to take exotic breaks away or vote on crap things i dont give a shit about, when im not doing that i like to shop for insurance, i am insured for everything, even if my plastic bag from tesco breaks on the way home or the single uht cream somehow leaks onto the croissants....i'm covered.
god bless pop ups and the interuptions they cause.
bastards, havent they got anything better to do?

1 comment:

Tony said...

You gotta be careful. People could start reading this.

Tell me, why are you such a negative person. Are there private reasons in your history or is it just your way (lol)