Sunday 20 January 2008

yo billy!

my cousin, nicola and her husband, shaun went to bed one night and when they woke up in the morning the stork had brought billy to live with them. this is billy, he appears to like wearing facial disguises, which in this world of vague descriptions and lookey likey photo-fits is a plus. who could mistake you if youve got an orange groucho marx face on?

good lad. welcome to the crazy club.

1 comment:

ellieslal said...

howdie dudey, thanks for blogging on the subject of me. My career as Groucho Marx is stalling a bit, apparently someone already thought of being Groucho Marx - I think it was Groucho Marx. Any way thinking now of branching out into Harold Lloyd - or, as my dad has a Hitler costume (better not asking) I may try Chaplin. Dead Black and white movie stars is the field to be in defo